Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Sunday.
Denim on denim with a little orange parting them allies at the waist. Decided I need a little bling in my life.
Listened to Suede's Beautiful Ones over and over. How epic were the 90s??
Reading Twitterature. Nah. Me don't tweet. Twat or twut.
Actually, Twitter + Literature. Been studying Literature all my life. This was inevitable.


Renee Nabam said...

if i were a piece of denim..i would want to be worn you're soo damn good at it...:D

lahlah said...

Haha.. thankiu renee :D

L L said...

*tweet tweet*
I gave my friend a full tour of your blog- first to last and she went 'she really likes orange doesn't she?' :D
Yeah to the 90s. We are the original 90s kiddies.


Laura said...

You make denim on denim look so good!!!!

lahlah said...

Haha yeah orange was like my first fave color! And thankyou laura :)

Nuria Luis said...

Love the combo;)!

Anonymous said...

Love it! This is like the best shade of denim that incidentally I never seem to come across! :( And the orange neonish belt is perfect!

TSD Magazine said...

WOW,denim on denim sure seems to be catching on!
love the vintage-y earings btw!
and true that,after bbm,twitter is the single most annoying thing ever!
no we do not want to know what u are upto every friggin minute of the day!! bahhh :/