hmmm.. this looks like some christmassy post.. umm well it is. heh and oh i decided to change my font cuz its soo hard to read since its too teeny they got obliterated or something.
First off... Hope everyone had a lovely christmas.. and then we come to this mini jacket thing that im wearing.. fell for it since the day i got it..secondhand..price was like zero and then we come to the tree..oh no thats not the tree that ur supposed to have at home..its pretty huge..humongous actually. I took a shot of this tree when we were out and about..driving around town.. and since its all red and my jacket i decided to post em all together..huddle em together.. yeah a little funny.
Super cold..super lazy here. We're going on a little road trip tomorrow..visiting an orphanage too..mum and i made a dozen bummed..from making sandwiches? yeeaaahhh cuz i was stuffing em in the whole time :D
OK G'nite people.